Wednesday 3 July 2024

0 Oo My Viva - A Day to Remember

Updating my blog after 7 years. 13 Mac 2024 alhamdulillah my viva date. Finally done my PhD after 7 years. When i first starts my Phd journey, my aim is to finish my research study by 3 years but, alot of thing happen along the way. Duration from 3 years became 7 years. I did 1 semester of deffered and 2 years of break due to lack of budget and stressful life. Lock down happens also at that time so everything became quite messy.

After the lock down, i went back to lab to finish up my thesis writing on Mac 2022 and alhamdulillah manage to submit full thesis by September 2023. Full one year 6 month of thesis writing. Its quite hard to start after long break but im lucky that i have a supervisor that support and trust me all the time. Without a good supervisor, its impossible to finish up my studies.

The main focus now is to finish up my thesis correction and submit final thesis for graduation. Insyaallah. When time pass by, its not about getting the title 'Dr' but its more to what type of person that i became at the end of the journey. Its easy to starts the PhD, but going through that path of life is not as same as Msc or Undergrad. The road to a PhD is long one where its easy to feel lost. Just remember, every step, no matter how small, is a step forward.

Monday 14 August 2017

0 Food review : Warong Mak Ngah D'Corner

Salam uols..

Last saturday duk scroll fb skali ternampak iklan asam pedas telur ikan
Meleleh air liur tengok iklan die
Terus ajak Mr Nice Guy pegi testing makanan situ

Ni set yang nini order. Nasi putih degan asam pedas telur ikan. Yang kat belakang tu set nasi goreng ayam, Mr Nice Guy punye

Close up asam pedas telur ikan

Kalau korang datang melaka atau tercari cari asam oedas yang sedap boleh try kat kedai ni.
Warong Mak Ngah D'Corner dekat area belimbing dalam durian tunggal.
Kedai kat tepi jalan je. Ade banyak lagi menu selain asam pedas, western pun ade tapi macam kurang sikit rasenye. Khaulah makan set western nugget + sosej + fries. Fries die je yang ok. Nugget ngn sosej x berapa nak masuk tekak.
Tapi asam pedas ngn nasi goreng ayam die memang sedapp dan lazat!!

Saturday 12 August 2017

1 Oo My Phd

Phd punye pasal
sanggup datang lab on weekend

Bajet nak review patent and paper
Tapi bodyguard kat belakang ni tengok movie kuat sangat volume

Target Phd 3 tahun
Semoga Allah permudahkan

Thursday 10 August 2017

0 The Nightmare Again

Alhamdulillah im pregnant again lepas 6 bulan kes mengandung kantung kosong.

But it is a nightmare again!!
Time scan 7 minggu tak nampak ape ape pun
Dr suspected mengandung luar rahim
Tunggu 2 minggu scan balik
Pas 2 minggu scan balik alhamdulillah nampak da kantung but keadaan kantung tak cantik pulak.
Macam leper camtu
Pastu tak nampak pape kat dalam kantung tu
Now waiting for another week nak scan balik
Seriously im really nerves

Saturday 4 February 2017

0 Pregnant kantung kosong

Alhamdulillah dapat rezeki anak ke dua lepas hampir setahun planning nak tambah anak

Tapi Allah lebih mengetahui ape yang terbaik
Mase buat buku merah dapat deect kantung kosong
Baru 8 minggu time tu

Doktor dekat klinik kesihatan refer kes ke hospital untuk further check up
Pergi hospital pun scan same jugak
Negative result. Kantung kosong tanpa janin

Doktor bagi mase tunggu beberapa minggu lagi
Tengok sama ada kantung jatuh sendiri atau kene buat d&c

Lepas sebulan check still same result
Kantung pun da berubah bentuk
Tak cantik da

Ape yang terbaik is d&c sebab kantung tak jatuh and xde bleeding atau sakit perut

Admit to hospital for d&c process
Alhamdulillah semue berjalan lancar

Kene pantang cam biase je sekarang ni
Proses d&c tak sakit
Tapi dari segi emosi nak hadapi semue tu sangat sakit

Time2 camtu support dari suami and family is very important
Alhamdulillah i manage to let it go
Cube untuk redha insyaallah ade hikmah di sebalik semue ni.

Sunday 27 November 2016

0 Next Journey of Life

As for now tamat sudah perjuangan Master.
Next journey is for PhD

Walaupun banyak ribut petir melanda time Master
Tp perjuangan is still on for PhD

Tp hari hari cam rase down
Down ofkosla sebab lack of bajet untuk yuran PhD
Barang mahal gaji sikit

Rase lepas abis PhD ade ke job lagi?
Zaman sekarang ni bukan zaman nak memilih kerja

BerPJJ dengan Mr Nice Guy is not a problem
Im use to it
Tp kadang kadang orang sekeliling yang tak paham

Bagi komen yang agak menyakitkan sanubari
Rasenye sekarang ni im becoming very very quiet
Kadang kadang nak bercakap pun malas

For the time now, im really blur...
Blur and less motivate for PhD

Tuesday 27 September 2016

0 The day that i almost give up

Masalah tidak akan selesai selagi kita hidup
Selagi kita bernafas selagi itu la akan ada masalah dalam hidup kita
Apa yang penting is cara kta menanggani masalah

For me,
Its ok to feel down
Its ok if i feel like giving up
Its ok if i feel very sad
Its ok if i feel like crying

I believe that, time will heal everything
Tak salah nak menuntut ilmu
Tak salah kalau buat mistake
Tak salah kalau kene marah
Tak salah kalau kene kutuk

The most important thing is that