Wednesday 26 March 2014

0 This is Life

People have to forgive. We don't have to like them, we don't have to be friends with them, we don't have to hate them, but we have to forgive them, to overlook, to forget. Because if we don't we are tying rocks to our feet, too much for our wings to carry!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

0 ~Boring Dayy~

Hari ni rase boring je... maybe cause duk wat keje same je kot hari hari..came on nini!!! baru sebulan lebih kot sambung blaja..bosan da???????????

aktiviti wajib hari ni adalah bace facebook..tengok status org.. tgk page page best... tengok resepi menarik..nyum3.. walaupun bz sempat gak wat satu lagi latihan ansys ok!!! im not LAZY...

sambil berfacebook, tertarik nak tengok satu video menarik yang org sibuk duk post kat fb sekarang ni.. video ni mat luthfi yang wat.. agak femes gak die ni rupenye.. tp first time tgk video ni..macam best je...

macam macam spekulasi terjadi bile sesuatu isu hangat diperkatakan.. wahai manusia sekalian, jangan lupe bahawa manusia x de kuasa pun kat dunia ni, hanya ALLAH s.w.t. sahaje yang berkuase..

contoh situasi... mase nak smbg master ni ade je pihak yang x suke n halang wat master.. sibuk je wat isu ntah pape tah... manusia skrg lupe, itu semue kuase ALLAH.. kalo ade rezeki nak sambg master, dengan izin ALLAH insyaallah habis master ni.. kalo ALLAH x izinkan, x dpt la smbg master. tp zaman sekarang ni, manusia lak sibuk nak tentukan takdir org lain. ntah pape tah.. nak kate x educated, x pulak.. kate x de didikan agama, npk cam alim je.. berdosa dendam dendam ni.. sy yang x berape nak alim ni pun taw.. dosa menyusahkan org islam.. 

p/s : credit to my syg sbb hari hari duk bace kitab kat i from 1st day kahwin lagi.. lame lame paham jugak isi kandungan hadis hadis tu... nanti nak kene suh "papa" bace hadis jugak la cmni.. bia tenang sikit idup die..

Wednesday 12 March 2014

1 Best Supervisor


today's topic 

In 2012 while i was doing my degree i had the world not best supervisor.. leh tengok post ni my supervisor i wrote this post in june 2012.. waktu tu baru je lepas present final project. Now in 2014, i decided to continue my studies in the same university.. of course i will not take the same supervisor n make my life miserable like before.... 

My new supervisor is baikkkk sangat sangat sangat... dulu i selalu je jeles ngan kawan kawan bile dieorg dapat supervisor yang baik baik.. Alhamdulillah now i had a chance to have World's Best Supervisor..Walaupun banyak halangan melanda mase nak sambung belajar ni, tapi alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan segalenye.. so bile da dapat supervisor baik jangan nak jadi malas la pulak ok!!! 

Now baru i understand what am i doing..kalo dulu buat ape pun x paham paham sebab x npk cahaya.. being a student when single and being a student after being a wife n mother is so different.. hidup semakin tenang and nampak hala tuju.. kalo dulu men redah je tapi x sampai sampai pun. 

p/s : to my hubby...